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Aconite 200c
Allium Cepa 30c
Aloe Socotrina 30c
Ammon Carb 30c
Antimon Tart 30c
Apis Mel 200c
Arnica Mont 200c
Arsenicum Alb 30c
Belladonna 200c
Bryonia 30c
Calendula 30c
Cantharis 30c
Carbo veg 30c
Causticum 30c
Chamomilla 30c
Cinchona 30c
Cocculus Indicus 30c
Drosera 30c
Dulcamara 30c
Eupatorium perf 200c
Euphrasia 30c
Ferrum phos 30c
Gelsemium 200
Graphites 30c
Hepar sulph 200c
Hydrestis 30c
Hypericum 200c
Kali Bich 200c
Kreosote 30c
Lachesis 200c
Lachnanthus 200c
Ledum pal 200c
Lycopodium 30c
Merc sol 30c
Natrum Sulph 200c
Natrum Sulph 30 c
Nux Vomica 30c
Phosphorus 30c
Pulsatilla 30c
Rhus tox 200c
Rumex 30c
Ruta 200c
Sabadilla 200c
Sanguinaria 200c
Sepia 30c
Silica 30c
Spongia toasta 200c
Sulphur 30c
Symphytum 200c
Urtica urens 30c

Custom 50 remedies Homeopathic kit with Homeopathic protocol booklet

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